The Republic of Ravenwood

Dreadwood Company

Dreadwood Company is is a band of soldiers who have fought together, bled together and died together. They protect the people of the Village of Arun-Dar from the undeath and fell creatures of the Dreadwood to the north. They aren't mighty warriors becasue they seek glory, honor, or riches, they are mighty because if they are not, they are dead.


The Fallen Clan

The Clan is a small band of exiled Urkzimmuthi hailing from beyond the northern mountains. Since thier arrival in the Republic, they have taken in many people of other races.


Aman Peak

Aman Peak is in the upper most mountains of Ravenwood. The mountain itself is overrun with undead and evil. It is the job of all that live there to kill as many as they can before they fall.
As for the founders of Aman Peak themselves, they fancy themselves the instruments of misinformation. They start wars between corrupt lands and wait to pick off the last of the living as punishment for being so easily swayed. Each has they're own reason for doing what they do but the end is the same. The world is a game and they will show the masses just how stupid they can be.


Army of Mordor

Deep in the shadows lurks a most ancient evil. The being known as Morgoth commands an army of hate and malice. His forces fight to destroy all that is order. Made up of  Orcs, Undead, Lizardmen, evil humans and more.  The Army of Mordor is an inter-realm unit that represents itself in many different nations. The forces of light fight back but in the end the Army of Mordor pledges consume all....

The Militia


In the beginning, there was only good. Man ruled the world and Elves followed close. Ork were far and few, oppressed by their "pink skinned" oppressors. The great warlord Togo rose up against da 'oomie threat. Togo raised an army known as The Militia.  Fight until death, and have a GREAT time doing it.  Men iz weak., elves iz weaker. Green iz best, orkz never looz.